Blueprint has created a free library of original research reports and analysis on whistleblower laws and policies. This includes our original research on freedom of speech issues, including whistleblower protection, our policy submissions to parliamentary committees, and a collection of whistleblower protection legislation across more than 25 countries. Our latest reports are listed here:
National Transposition of the EU Whistleblower Directive: How is Europe Progressing on Protecting Whistleblowers?
Expandiendo Tecnología de Anonimización en Europa
Whistleblowing in Spain: Workers, Management and Speaking Up
Alerta en España: Trabajadores, Gerentes y denuncias (Spanish)
Whistleblowing in Spain: Public views on secrecy, whistleblower protection, anonymity and reporting to the media
La denuncia de irregularidades en España
Expanding Anonymous Tipping Technology in Europe
Blueprint Principles for Whistleblower Protection (2021 revision)
Blueprints Grundsätze für effektiven Hinweisgeberschutz / Blueprint Principles for Whistleblower Protection (German)
Factsheet on the Draft Law Draft Law of the Republic of Germany
for Better Protection of Whistleblowers
Ground Safe: Assessing the digital security needs and practices of human rights defenders in Africa, MENA, South Asia and Southeast Asia
Analysis of the Act on the protection of whistleblowers, passed by the Icelandic Parliament May 2020 (English)
Act on the protection of whistleblowers, passed by Icelandic Parliament May 2020 (English)
Lög um vernd uppljóstrara / Act on the protection of whistleblowers, passed by the Icelandic Parliament May 2020 (Icelandic)
Cómo proteger mejor a los alertadores:
Guía práctica para transponer la Directiva europea
Getting Whistleblower Protection Right:
A Practical Guide to Transposing the EU Directive
Whistleblowing in the European Union: A New Directive to Protect Citizens, Democracy and Rule of Law
“Whistleblowing” en la Union Europea: Una nueva directiva para proteger los ciudadanos, la Democracia y el Estado de derecho (Spanish)
The Perugia Principles for Journalists Working with Whistleblowers in the Digital Age
The Perugia Principles for Journalism: Working with Whistleblowers in the Digital Age (pocketbook)
Перуджански журналистически принципи: Работа с лица, подаващи сигнали за нередности (whistleblowers), в дигиталната ера (Bulgarian)
Perugia-Prinzipien für Journalismus: Arbeiten mit Hinweisgebern im digitalen Zeitalter (German)
Οι Αρχές της Περούτζια για τη δημοσιογραφία: Δουλεύοντας με μάρτυρες δημοσίου συμφέροντος στην ψηφιακή εποχή (Greek)
Перуджийские принципы для журналистов: Работа с разоблачителями
в эпоху цифровых технологий (Russian)
Los principios de Perugia para el Periodismo: trabajando con alertadores en la era digital (Spanish)
Analysis and comment on the proposed law Ley Integral de Lucha contra la Corrupción y Protección de los Denunciantes (English)
Análisis y comentarios a la proposición de Ley Integral de Lucha contra la Corrupción y Protección de los Denunciantes (Spanish)
Gaps in the System – Whistleblower laws in the EU
Safe or Sorry – Whistleblower Protection Laws in Europe Deliver Mixed Results
Blueprint Principles for Whistleblower Protection
Protecting Whistleblowers in the UK – A New Blueprint
Why should the EU Protect Whistleblowers – Legal Arguments
Breaking the Silence: Strengths and Weaknesses in G20 WB Protection Laws