
Blueprint verfolgt und kommentiert weltweit Gesetzgebungsverfahren in den Bereichen Hinweisgeberschutz und freie Meinungsäußerung. Auf diese Weise erweitern wir die politische und öffentliche Debatte zu diesen und verwandten Themen.

Im Folgenden finden sich eine Reihe von Einreichungen und Kommentaren, die Blueprint recherchiert und verfasst hat.



EUROPÄISCHE UNION: Submission to the European Commission consultation (2021 Rule of Law report) regarding strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs)

SPANIEN: Response to Spanish Ministry of Justice on the public consultation on the transposition of the EU Whistleblowing Directive (EN)

SPANIEN: Response to Spanish Ministry of Justice on the public consultation on the transposition of the EU Whistleblowing Directive (ES)

DEUTSCHLAND: Modellgesetz zum Schutz von Hinweisgebern und zur Umsetzung der EU-Hinweisgeberrichtlinie (DE)



AUSTRALIEN: Coalition comments in response to the Australian Exposure Draft of the Assistance and Access Bill



AUSTRALIEN: Submission to PJCIS re Inquiry into the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance to Australia) Bill

ISLAND: Submission to the General and Education Committee of Icelandic Althingi on Whistleblower Protection Law

GROßBRITANNIEN: Response to the UK Government Call for Evidence on Whistleblowing Framework



AUSTRALIEN: Senate Economics Committee Report regarding performance of ASIC

AUSTRALIEN: Submission to South Australian Independent Commission Against Corruption

AUSTRALIEN: Submission to Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee

AUSTRALIEN: Submission to PJCIS re National Security Legislation Amendment Bill


SÜDAFRIKA: Submission to Department of Justice and Constitutional Development regarding proposed draft Protected Disclosures Amendment Bill

SCHWEDEN: Submission to Swedish Ministry of Employment regarding a proposal to introduce whistleblower protection laws



AUSTRALIEN: Submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission re Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era

AUSTRALIEN: Submission to Australian PMC re Public Interest Disclosures 2013 Statutory Review

AUSTRALIEN: Submission to ACT State Government on Implementation of Public Interest Disclosure Act

AUSTRALIEN: Submission to Australian Senate Legal Affairs Committee re Public Interest Disclosure Bill



AUSTRALIEN: Submission to the JCIS Inquiry into Potential Reforms of National Security Legislation